Financial Industry Research Reports

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ATMs in China 2014

Published: May 2014
Published in: Research Reports

The ATM market in China has maintained strong growth in the last ten years with the deployed number of ATMs peaking at 520,000 units in 2013, surpassing the number of ATMs deployed in the US and making China the largest ATM market in the world. With an average annual growth rate of 20%, China will continue to have sizable growth in 2014 as China’s number of ATMs installed per million people lags significantly behind developed countries and the number of payment cards served by a single ATM is also far less than the international standard.

China Online Payment Industry 2014

Published: Mar 2014
Published in: Research Reports

Since our initial 2012 report looking at 3rd party online payments in China, the market has changed dramatically with new entrants, consolidation and new business models. Our new online payments report looks at how the industry has changed and evolved over time to meet the needs of a changing market.

Top 10 China Banking Technology Trends 2014

Published: Jan 2014
Published in: Research Reports

2013 will remembered as an incredibly dynamic year for China’s financial services industry. From the increasing number of hedge funds in the market to the emergence and regulation of Bitcoin, industry observers, investors, participants and regulators have had their work cut out for them keeping up with the market.

Top 10 China Capital Markets Technology Trends 2014

Published: Jan 2014
Published in: Research Reports

2013 will remembered as an incredibly dynamic year for China’s financial services industry. From the increasing number of hedge funds in the market to the emergence and regulation of Bitcoin, industry observers, investors, participants and regulators have had their work cut out for them keeping up with the market.

The Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone

Published: Nov 2013
Published in: Research Reports

Few initiatives in the past couple of years have captured the attention of China’s financial services community more than the recently opened Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. Situated in the eastern part of Shanghai and encompassing 29km2 of land which, like the rest of Pudong, was predominantly farmland as little as ten years ago.

Hedging the Dragon: The Opportunity for Hedge Funds in China

Published: Jun 2013
Published in: Research Reports

Hedging the Dragon offers one of the most comprehensive looks into the Chinese Hedge Fund industry and details the potential opportunity for foreign hedge funds to enter the market providing insight on the market opportunity itself as well as some of the market entry options and key considerations for foreign funds as they consider the market.

Top 10 China Banking Technology Trends 2013

Published: Jan 2013
Published in: Research Reports

2001-2010 could be considered the 'banking reform' years. During that decade, we saw an incredible opening up in the market with opportunities for both domestic and foreign banks expanding greatly. Although reform has slowed slightly, the industry is still in a period of change and 2013 will be no exception.

Top 10 China Capital Markets Technology Trends 2013

Published: Jan 2013
Published in: Research Reports

Margin trading, financial futures and cross-border investing are just a few of the areas that have seen tremendous changes in the past five years and will see much more as the market continues to develop and we see new products and opportunities emerge.

China's 3rd Party Online Payment Industry - What's Next

Published: Aug 2012
Published in: Research Reports

With online commerce booming in China, consumers are able to order just about anything online and have it delivered cheaply and efficiently. Traditionally these transactions were conducted as 'cash on delivery', but this is rapidly changing as online payment providers start to fill the gap.

Banking On China - A Look at the Challenges and Opportunities for Foreign Banks in China

Published: Jul 2012
Published in: Research Reports

With the Chinese economy continuing to grow rapidly, the financial sector in China is one of the few globally that offers a unique opportunity for international banks, but also has challenges.

China's Prepaid Card Market

Published: Jul 2012
Published in: Research Reports

Prepaid / stored value cards are an important part of the payments market in China and are used to pay for almost everything such as from daily public transit to grocery supermarket and from movie tickets to clothes in shopping centers.

China Markets 2012: A Look at the Key Trends and Issues in Mainland Markets and Their Effect on Hong Kong

Published: Jul 2012
Published in: Research Reports

Kapronasia was in Hong Kong for Sungard's Financial Industry Day in July 2012 and Zennon Kapron presented the attached slides in two sessions on the latest trends and issues in China's economy and financial markets.

Swift and China's Banks

Published: Jun 2012
Published in: Research Reports


A Look at the Challenges for Shanghai to Become an International Financial Center by 2020

Published: Jun 2012
Published in: Research Reports

Much has been written since March 25, 2009, when China’s State Council declared that by 2020, Shanghai would establish itself as one of the world’s preeminent international financial centers. Many of the subsequent documents, studies, opinion pieces and press releases about the State Council’s decision center on several key issues many feel the authorities in China need to address to ensure their vision of Shanghai comes to pass.

Trends Shaping China Capital Markets Technology in 2012

Published: Apr 2012
Published in: Research Reports

This set of slides entitled "A look at the trends shaping China Capital Markets Technology in 2012" was presented by Zennon Kapron at TradeTech China in April 2012. The slides look at some of the key drivers and statistics that define China's capital markets today.

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