O2O (or online-to-offline) services are one of the biggest opportunities in China, but also one of the most challenging. What was a very nascent industry, is now very competitive. Online players are using O2O to bridge to offline solutions and offline players are trying to move into online solutions. Although it is very competitive, the market still has room to grow as everything from ordering food to finding a cleaner can be done online.
Whether you are a payment provider, a financial institution or a solutions vendor, Kapronasia can help you understand the market opportunity as well as how to address it.
Our O2O research is based on actual analysis of what is happening in the market. We have canvassed hundreds of merchants both online and offline to find out what works and what doesn't. Rather than pore over numbers, we would rather you understand reality. Find out what is happening on the ground and what to do to take advantage of the opportunity
In the past we have helped:
- A hardware provider identify opportunities to provide hardware solutions for the Chinese O2O market
- A large multi-national merchant to indentify potential focus areas in the industry
- A 3rd Party payment provider understand how their payment products would fit in the market
We can help companies to:
- Size their overall O2O market opportunity
- Understand who their customers might be and what they are looking for
- Identify key competitors and understand how to differentiate against them
- See who potential partners might be and how they could help short-cut the market-entry process.
Kapronasia has worked with some of the world's largest financial technology firms and institutions to help them understand how industry trends and issues affect their business. How can we help you?
For more information, please use the contact us link above, or email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..